Kaspersky AntiVirus 8.0 For Nokia s60v5

Posted by Tommy Wahyu Utomo on 00.54

for kaspersky anti-virus no need any edit or tricks or anything.just download attached file.1st install kaspersky for s60 v5. Then install patcher.thats all.

But must be hacked or have to sign kaspersky v5.

Now with ease method..you can get your long live license for your Kaspersky Mobile (KM 8.0)

Just use this patch and you’ll get the long live license..

Open full access to C:/ with ROMP atcher (Open 4 All.rmp) or disable caps ( CapsOff).Execute license patcher from menu ‘Menu’->’Execute patch’.DONE!! License of KMS 8.0 is patched.
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And You need to have python installed on your device
